Thursday, March 12, 2009

Car Insurance

I don't say that car insurance is a scam, that would be
stupid. But what I can't stand is some of the interesting
and misleading car insurance ad's that are all over the place.

And it's not the insurance companies that run these ad's.
I would guess the insurance companies must do alright
from these ad's because I think they would put a stop
to it themselves.

You know the ad's I'm talking about. The headline Say's
thing's like, People all over are spending $ 49.00 a month
on their car insurance, why should you spend more ?
Click here.

So, you think, hey my car insurance is running out soon, I
sure would like to save money on my car insurance, so you
click the link.

The page it brings you to asks you to enter your vehicle type
and all that information. Then some basic info about the
driver, location, etc. all standard info that you would expect
when filling out a form for car insurance.

Then you click the submit button. Then BANG, here it is.

No quote, just a message that Say's, You will be contacted
by all the agent's that fit your needs for car insurance.

That is what gets me upset. They don't tell you upfront that
they are only getting your info to send to agent's to give
you a quote on your car insurance.

You not only don't get an instant quote, but now your
email in box starts to fill with email's from insurance Co's.

And then the phone starts to ring from these same people.

If they just come right out and tell you that they only pass
your info to car insurance companies, that would be OK.

It's their little gimmick, their pitch, their way to get you to
click the link.

I believe in free enterprise, and freedom for us all to make
a living. But the misleading ad's just make me crazy.

Car insurance is something that we all need and we all
pay too much money for, mainly because of the scams
that people run on them. Car insurance false claims are a
big reason why we pay so much.

I don't mean honest claims, I mean claims that are just
to DE-fraud the car insurance company, like claiming to
have been injured, when not. Imagine how much money
car insurance companies pay out on false claims.
It has to be mind boggling.

I just think that when we need to look for new car
insurance, we shouldn't have to be frustrated with
these misleading ad's.

Tell me up front, that's all I ask.

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