Saturday, March 7, 2009

Survival Of The Fittest

In this wonderful place we call the Internet, it is easy

to fall victim of an elite group of very intelligent, thieves

that will steal all you have and never think twice about it.

The SCAM is the most dangerous entity online. It has

no morals and does not care who you are or where you


It does not care what the color of your skin is or

how much money you make.

The people that run SCAMS only care about one thing.

They want your money. And they will tell you anything

to get it.

There are always little things that tell us that this

"sounds too good to be true."

But for some strange reason, we ignore what we know

is not right and just tell ourselves, "this must be real or

they couldn't tell us that."

So we send our money knowing deep down that "this

isn't going to work." We try to have a positive attitude,

but we just know, its not that easy.

There is no easy way to make money, period. There

are easier ways then others, but in this life, we must

work in one form or another.

If some of the thieves that run SCAMS on honest hard

working people would use their skills to HELP people,

what do you think would happen?

Well, we ALL would work less and it would be easier

for us all. How hard do you think a SCAM artist works?

I bet they work VERY hard. I bet they wonder "will this

be the day I get caught"?

That day will come to all of those thieves.

I, like so many, have lost an enormous amount of money

and time to SCAMS. I know some have been hurt more

than me. And I know I have been hurt more than some.

But you know what? Im still here. I'm still going at it. And

most likely I will keep at it till the day I'm in the ground.

Why, you may ask?

Its simple. Because I, like so many others, including the

SCAMMERS, have dreams. I will not have anyone take

that from me. No matter what.

There is a saying "SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST ." I feel

that I am one of the FITTEST. Not the SCAMMER.

I think there are more HONEST people online than


The average HARD WORKING guy and woman is looking

to make life better for them and their family.

Never give up your dreams. Never let anyone make you

stay where you are. Your life is, your life.



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