Monday, March 9, 2009

The Meaning Of Life { To Me }

The Meaning Of Life { To Me }

We all have our own meaning of life, and our own
way to live it. There, to me, is no right or wrong way.

We feel what we feel no matter what anyone tells us.

I am not the smartest person I know, and never have
claimed to be. My life has given me some very
rewarding thing's.

My wife of 41 year's, and four of the most amazing
kid's you could ever have the pleasure to know.

As the year's have gone by, and the future has become
so uncertain, we all have to come to think of the life
we have and what it mean's to us.

There is no material thing on this earth that I feel
could mean more to me than my family.

I look back and see all the mistake's I made, and
it sure doesn't make me feel very good.

I've had many opportunities to earn a great deal of
money that I turned down. At the time I just felt that
it didn't feel RIGHT, maybe someone would have to
lose something for me to gain. I don't know.

What I do know is that there is one of the oldest
saying's I have ever heard, and it would make me
laugh. But as I have become older and wiser, I have
come to realize that it really is true.

The root of ALL EVIL IS MONEY.

And if you take the time to think about it you
might think that it is true also.

Think about it.

I have never once in my life ever willingly or knowing
cheated anyone. I have always been as honest as
I could be and always worked as hard as I could to
earn everything I have ever gotten.

And that make's me very proud.

I have always instilled in my children to be honest
and live up to their mistake's. If you do something
wrong, admit it.

I'm proud to say that my children have always, as
far as I know, have not only lived up to that but I
know of many cases that they have helped people
that needed help.

My wife is the kindest person anyone could know
and is loved by all she meet's.

A truly remarkable lady.

I could go on and on but no need.

So, the meaning of life to me is as simple as it could

FAMILY ,to me, is the meaning life and I'm very
proud to have mine in my life.

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