Monday, March 9, 2009

My Cat

I dont want anyone to think that I have a couple of screws
missing,though maybe I do, I have to write this article about
my cat.

I love animals, but I am not the type to walk a dog, so after
years of my wife wanting a cat, I gave in and we adopted one
from animal rescue.

Well I will try to make this story short, but this cat dont
belong to my wife, or me.

We belong to her.

Her name is Phoebe. And I tell you this, she is the smartest
cat I ever have seen. She thinks everything I have is hers.

She is my shadow. She washes up in the morning with me,
she will only eat if I stand near her food with her. As she
gets ready to eat, she sits in front of her food, like shes
saying grace, then she will eat.

She always puts her paws in my shoes, Im glad she hasnt learned
to tie them, she tries to put my shirt on, it is so funny.

She reaches for the light switch, trying to put the light on.

Maybe she isnt the only cat that does things like this, but
I never had an animal do this stuff. When I come home from work
she is sitting at the door waiting for me. I can always tell if
something went on while I was at work because she will try to
talk to me.

Its really so funny because when she does that I start to look
around and every time I will find something. Sometimes her
LitterMaid may be stuck. { she only does her duty if its clean }

She copies or least tries to copy everything I do. I sit at the
kitchen table with the chair at an angle from the table and she
will copy the exact way I sit. Not sitting looking at me but the
same way I sit. I can change the angle, and so does she. I will
look at her and ask her something, just fooling with her, and
she will move her mouth like she is talking. We laugh at her all
the time.

After having her for almost 9 years, she never stops making us
laugh. I never yell or even have to talk loud to her. I know
she doesnt understand everything I say, but she always does
what I say. When someone comes to visit, they are amazed at
how she is.

Now on the other hand, remember I said that my wife wanted her.
Well, she never, ever listens to my wife. She only goes to my
wife if she wants food. Always to my wife. And if she doesnt
get her food fast enough, she will hit my wife, or even put her
teeth on her foot or leg.

Other than food, she cant be bothered with my wife, go figure.

I was in the hospital for some time with surgery, and Phoebe
cried at the door, day and night, for the first few days. She
wouldnt eat and just layed around. So sad, my wife said.

I dont know why I wrote this other than to perk myself up a bit.

And maybe I could give someone a laugh or a smile.

It is so true that if you have an animal and your not having
such a good day, they really can help to cheer you up.

I know Phoebe does that for me.

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