Tuesday, March 31, 2009

IRA {Individual Retirement Arrangements}

Now, an IRA is good to have if you work for a small company
that does not have a retirement plan. You contribute a set
amount, and the company also contributes, through payroll
deduction. It is a good way to put aside some money for your
retirement. And with an IRA, like a 401k, the company
contributes also. It's like you get free money.

Also, like a 401k, if you want to take money from your IRA,
there are penalties and fines. These types of plans are not
meant to be like a bank account, or saving account. They are
for investment in your future. That is one reason for the
penalties and fines.

In order to be allowed to withdraw funds, you have to have a
good reason. You don't want to take funds to go on vacation,
or buy new clothes. Or that new LCD TV that you want.

The money that you lose from penalties is substantial, so only
take money from these types of plans as a last resort. If you
really need the money. For life changing events. The only one
that I really think that falls into this category is JOB LOSS.

Now, in a normal economy where most people don't have much
of a problem finding a job, there most likely wouldn't be any
reason to withdraw any of your money. In the times we live in,
most married couples both need to work, just to survive.

So, if one of you lose your job, after a short time it gets real
rough to get your bills paid. And when that person cant find a
job for any length of time, you begin to worry.

And what about if BOTH of you lose your jobs? It sure doesn't
take a rocket scientist to figure it out. If your living pay
check to pay check, as so many people are, then what do you do?

Over the years, I have heard that everyone SHOULD have enough
of money in a savings account to get you through 6 months of all
your living expenses.

How many people do you know that have that much money?

How can the average person, married or single, put away ANY
money raising a family? Unless you make over $100,000 a year,
you just cannot afford to save enough to get you through 6
months without a job.

Some people that are married only stay together for the income.
They just cant live on their own, with just one check. And the
way it is today, that check for allot of people, is not from a
job, its from UNEMPLOYMENT

Now if you are married, and both of you are unemployed, what
do you do?

The only thing you can do is look at your IRA or 401k. You go
for as long as you can before you decide you have no choice.

This is when you find out, first hand, how bad things really are.

I fall into this category. Both unemployed, running out of money,
and have no choice but to take my IRA, before I cant pay the bills.

The only thing I can say is DO NOT wait until the last moment.
Do not wait until your mortgage is past due, or your car is about
to be repossessed. And now I'm going to tell you why.

These investment firms do not want to give you your money.
They PLAY games with you.

You make that dreaded first phone call, asking to get your money
and they tell you " I have to research your account, and I will
call you back". That call may not come. In my case that's what
happened. I had to call again to hear, " Oh, I was supposed to
call you, wasn't I? I'm having trouble getting into your account".

After 6 days of me waiting, I'm told nothing has been started.
Is that what I wanted to hear? Not on your life. Will I ever be
able to get my money? I guess time will tell.

IRA'S and 401K's are real. They are good investments for your
future. But there comes times that you have to make a choice.

Can I afford NOT to get my money NOW and hope I can keep
the roof over my head and food on the table?

Everyone has to make that choice for themselves.
If you can wait it out, then that's what you should do. I waited
as long as I could.

My wife has been out of work for 5 months, me for one month. I
waited as long as I could, so for me I had to make the choice to
TRY to get my money. Now I will see what happens.

These investment plans ARE NOT SCAMS. They are designed
for retirement. And by what I'm going through, it shows me that
money is tight, all over. But we all have to do whats right for us.

The economy WILL get better. And if the people that have money
get off their butts and spend some, it will get better soon.

I'm not too worried for me, but I do worry about the people that
have no place to turn. The people that were never able to afford
an IRA or a 401k.

The people that have no more unemployment, and no home.

I never imagined that I would see the economy get as bad as it

To place the blame, would be no help to anyone. We just
need to correct the mistakes we made, we ALL made. I only
hope that we have learned a valuable lesson. I know I have.

If we all help each other get through this, it will get better soon.

I'm not a very religious person, but I do have faith. I have faith
in God, and myself. What better combination can you ask for.

We can never lose our faith!

We can never give up!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Is Honesty The Best Policy?

All my life I have lived by the notion that it is best
to be honest. I have never felt that any good would come
from lying or cheating. I have lived by the way I would
want to be treated.

After all these years, my thoughts are beginning to
change. Its the first time, in all my life, that I ever
felt that being honest may not be the right way to be.

Have you ever known someone that has all the things you
wish you had, and seems like no matter how much they lye
and cheat, they always get what they want?

I certainly have known a few people like that. People that
will come to you asking to borrow a few bucks because they
need to fix their car, or pay a bill, and will pay you back,
but never do. You feel bad and never ask for your money.

Then you find out that they just went on vacation for 2 weeks.
Or how about the people that go to a restaurant, eat most of
their meal, then they complain that the food was terrible,
and refuse to pay. Free meal.

How about the people that cheat Welfare. I know someone that
was collecting a Welfare check for a son that was MARRIED.
These people lived like Kings and Queens. Talk about cheats!

I had a relative ask me to go into business with him, if I
put up the money. He already had work, and needed money for
supplies. He said, just give me $1,000 cash, so he could get
the supplies, and he would do the work. I didn't have to do
any work, just give him the money.

I said I will go with you to get the supplies, and help do
the work.

The very next morning, to my surprise, he left town. It was
planed all along. The plan got messed up because I didn't
give him the money. And this was a relative!

How can people like this live with them self?

Am I missing something?

Is that the only way you can get what you want?

How in the world can these people feel good about doing
things like this?

What am I doing wrong?

These are only a few of the types of people that I have
personal knowledge of.

So sad. So sad that there are REAL people like this. These
are the same people that would go crazy if someone did
something like this to them. These are the people that
SHOULD have these things happen to them.

I'm not a vengeful person, but I sure would like to see
the day that these dishonest people get what they give.

So, is honesty the best policy?

At this time in my life, I just don't know.

What I do know is that I will never change. I live
an honest life, always have, and I assume I always will.

Right or wrong, its all I know.

You cant teach an old dog new tricks.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Job Loss, Can I Survive ?

I, like so many other people, have come to a time that I
didn't think would ever come. After, more than 10 years
at the same company, I've been laid off.

Not a shock, but not expecting it either. The future is so
uncertain, we can only hope the economy turns around
soon. In the meantime we just have to try to make ends
meet, like so many others.

My wife also was laid off 5 months ago, from her job after
more than 13 years with the same company. There has
been no sign of any job offers coming her way, no reply
to resumes, and I see nothing telling me that it will be
any better for me.

Being that we are both part of the Baby Boomer era, too
young to retire, too old to start a new career, we're kind
of caught in the middle. What few job's there are, I don't
see either of us going to the front of the line. There is just
far too much, younger competition. Employer's can now,
more than ever in my life, be as choosy as they want to be.

They now can afford to pick the cream of the crop, and pay
what they want to. Who in their right mind would turn down
a job, for less money then their accustomed to, if they don't
have a job, but have a family to support? That is what I feel
is going to happen.

Like the real estate market, the time to buy property is now,
the same holds true for employer's. If your business has
work, and you need to hire people, it is a good time to get
the best people, at a price that will help your company
continue and possibly grow.

It's not very hard to understand why there are so many
homeless people. If you ever thought of the homeless being
low class people, or lazy people, you really should pray to
god that you never find yourself in an unemployed position,
for a long period of time,with no steady income.

Where do you think many homeless people came from?

Do you think they just popped up one day?

They are people just like us, that for one reason or another,
have lost their income.

Homeless does not only mean people that live on the street.
It also includes people that go from house to house to stay
with a family member or a friend because they have no home
of their own.

So, because I only lost my job this week, I am not too worried
at this time. If the job market starts a comeback soon, I should
be OK. I know many people have not worked for over a year,
and more. But I feel confident that it wont take me long to get
back on track.

I am searching daily for a job and have been sending resumes out
regular, with no replies so far.

I'm in a better position than lot's of people that are out of work,
so I think I will be alright. Its not time to panic yet.

So, will I survive my job loss?

I certainly hope so.

God help us all

Thursday, March 19, 2009

A Good Scam Never Dies

One very important lesson I have learned is that a good scam
never dies. It just lives on and on. I sure can't explain it. You
would think that a scam would run its course, steal from as
many people as possible over a short time, and be done before
the law gets too close. For some scams, that's not true.

Is the old saying by Will Rogers the most likely reason for it.

Theres a sucker born every minute.

What a cruel thing to say.

But what else can explain it.

And is this a true statement? We try to figure out what it is
that makes us do the exact thing's that we know is wrong.
Does that make us a sucker?

You know the feeling you get when you send some money to
someone you don't know, hoping that whatever it is you send
that money for is real. You think to yourself, boy, I just hope
this works, or am I stupid for doing this. Does that make us a

And you would have to think that the thief that is running the
scam has to get caught up to.

Let's say you read an ad and it says to send $ 49.99 and start
to make $5,000 a week within 30 days. You see this and you
just laugh. What a scam you say. Then you just go on with what
you were doing and forget it.

A month later you see this same ad again and think, man, that
ad is still running. What a joke. Then you just continue on to
whatever it is that you were doing and forget about it.

Then maybe a couple more months go by and you happen to
see this same ad, now you start to think. IS THIS A SCAM?
Unfortunately logic does not fit. Your beginning to think that
maybe there is something to this. How can this still be running
if it was a scam? They can't be running this ad over and over if
it was a scam. Right? Can they?

I know there is law enforcement agencies that scour the Internet
looking for scams and tracking down the thief's that run them.
If this is still running, there must be some truth to the ad. Now,
you begin to think, hey, Maybe it is real. Maybe this is the one
that will work for me. I don't want to miss out on something good.
I don't want to miss my opportunity to make the income that I've
been looking for.

So, guess what? Yup. You do it. You send your money and
you get the info that you sent your hard earned money for, and
then it hits you. And it hits you hard. Like a brick.

A damn scam! Why the heck did I do it? Am I stupid? Why did
I do it. I know better than that, don't I?

Does knowing better really help? NO. Why? It's simple. Because
I still went ahead and did it. Even though I knew better. What a
fool. A sucker. Dumb, Dumb, Dumb.

Who is to blame? Is there someone to blame? I guess we need to
put on the brake"s and hold up and think it out.

So, you start to think, really think.

Am I stupid? Can it be that all these so called scams that I have
spent so much money on , over the years, not be scams?

Can it be that it's been ME all along. Can it be that most, if not
all the program's and business opportunities, that I have spent
so much money and time on over the years, been REAL?

Is it that I'm just not smart enough to make money from home.
Or, not cut out to run my own business. Maybe I'm not looking
at it the way I should. Could it just be too hard for me to follow
the instruction's and direction I'm told to, in order to succeed?

Maybe there is no explanation. Maybe what will be will be.

And just maybe, I am a sucker that was born in that minute.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Why ?

This is a word that I have asked myself many time's.

Why are there so many people on this earth that take
advantage of other people.

Why, will someone that makes a good and honest
living online, not help another person or two do
the same without cost. Wouldn't you think that
would be helping not only the people they help,
but it would help to bring this recession to an end.

Anyone hear of " Pay it forward ".

Are they really caught up in themselves that much ?
I just don't know.

Is it the hard time's we live in? I just don't know.

Is it because of greed? I just don't know.

Maybe these people have been taken advantage
of themselves, and do the same to others
I just don't know.

Maybe they think we are weak. Well we are not weak.
Gullible, yes, but weak? Not on your life. We are
some of the strongest people. We follow direction, and
work hard. And don't give up easy.

And WE are the first people that will help anyone
help themselves. And not look for anything back in
return, except a thank you.

It sure is sad that the people that don't have much,
and are honest people, get scammed by these thug's.
Just being someone that only wants to earn an honest
living seem to get caught up in one of these scams.

I know that it's not only less fortunate people like
myself. But we are the people that get hurt,
financially, more than the guy that doesn't worry
about his low paying job, or maybe health issues
of his or his family.

People like me are only trying to make it
in such a bad economy. If you are like me, you
are not out to prosper by being a thief.

I have been one of these people that gets drawn
into these scams. Time after time over the years,
long before computer's and the Internet, I have
fallen for some sort of scam or another. With my
only purpose, of earning an honest living, to support
my family and live a quiet and meaningful life.

I have always said there has to be a better way.
Someday I will find it. So I try over and over again,
with each program or idea or business opportunity
thinking this has to be the one. I finally found it.

Then the bubble bursts. The excitement is over
and the reality takes over. This is not the one.
Scammed again.

For some reason my wife has never, ever, said
I told you so. She never discouraged me because
I think she understands that it is just part of me.
If I didn't try, I would never find a better way.
Thats all I ever want. A better way to live.

So, I just keep going and going and always try
again. Maybe the next time will be the one. I have
never been the type of person to give up on anything.
But I have to come to the realization that I'm basically
running out of time. I can longer eat my loses.
The matter of the economy is part of that.
With age creeping up and health issues that will
not quit, time is not on my side.

So, I sit sometimes and wonder, WHY ?

I may never know the answer to that one simple
word. I still look for that one email, or that one
website that I find just by chance, or maybe on
that forum that I go to searching for a review on
something I found.

When I stop breathing, my search will be over.

And I may never find the answer to WHY ?

The Phone Scam

One of the scams that have been around for
some time now is the Phone Scam, as I call it.

You get a phone call and someone tells you that
they want your name and address so they can
send you a package in the mail.

You ask, " What Package ? ". They say oh its
a package to show you how to make money on
Google. You say, " is it free? ", and they say

You decide to give the info they ask for until
they say, OK, Now I need your number, and
you say, " What number?. They say your credit
card number. But, you say, you told me its free.

Then they tell you that IT IS FREE, but there is
a small shipping charge of $ 3.99 and I can
just put that on your credit card or Debit card.

Unless you were expecting this call and know

This exact thing happened to my wife 3 /12 /09.

They told her that " your husband asked for this
and he knows all about it." What a scam. I
knew nothing of this and if I did know, I will tell
you one very important thing.

My wife did exactly as she should have. She
said " I'm not giving you my credit card #.
As fast as my wife told her that, the woman said,
" I'm sorry ", and hung up.

She was sorry alright, sorry that she didn't
phone a Sucker and get her credit card #.
When my wife told me about this, I told her
At least one of us is smart. You did the right
thing. Never give out any kind of credit card
info to someone that call's and you don't
know who they are.

So, remember, if someone call's you on the
phone and tell's you they want to send you
something for free, tell them ok. But if they
continue on and say " YOU JUST HAVE TO
to forget it. Because they already lied to you.

Paying even one penny no longer makes it free.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Car Insurance

I don't say that car insurance is a scam, that would be
stupid. But what I can't stand is some of the interesting
and misleading car insurance ad's that are all over the place.

And it's not the insurance companies that run these ad's.
I would guess the insurance companies must do alright
from these ad's because I think they would put a stop
to it themselves.

You know the ad's I'm talking about. The headline Say's
thing's like, People all over are spending $ 49.00 a month
on their car insurance, why should you spend more ?
Click here.

So, you think, hey my car insurance is running out soon, I
sure would like to save money on my car insurance, so you
click the link.

The page it brings you to asks you to enter your vehicle type
and all that information. Then some basic info about the
driver, location, etc. all standard info that you would expect
when filling out a form for car insurance.

Then you click the submit button. Then BANG, here it is.

No quote, just a message that Say's, You will be contacted
by all the agent's that fit your needs for car insurance.

That is what gets me upset. They don't tell you upfront that
they are only getting your info to send to agent's to give
you a quote on your car insurance.

You not only don't get an instant quote, but now your
email in box starts to fill with email's from insurance Co's.

And then the phone starts to ring from these same people.

If they just come right out and tell you that they only pass
your info to car insurance companies, that would be OK.

It's their little gimmick, their pitch, their way to get you to
click the link.

I believe in free enterprise, and freedom for us all to make
a living. But the misleading ad's just make me crazy.

Car insurance is something that we all need and we all
pay too much money for, mainly because of the scams
that people run on them. Car insurance false claims are a
big reason why we pay so much.

I don't mean honest claims, I mean claims that are just
to DE-fraud the car insurance company, like claiming to
have been injured, when not. Imagine how much money
car insurance companies pay out on false claims.
It has to be mind boggling.

I just think that when we need to look for new car
insurance, we shouldn't have to be frustrated with
these misleading ad's.

Tell me up front, that's all I ask.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Acupuncture, A Scam ?

My blog mainly deals with scams. Believe it or not
what I'm going to write about is Acupuncture.

To me a scam is something that offers you something for a
certain amount of money, and you don't get what you pay for.

Not by mistake, but something that was planed all along to
get you to trust that you would get what you paid for with no
intention of ever giving you your money's worth.

It doesn't have to be a product that you can hold in you hand,
or even something you can see.

It can be a service of all sorts. A doctor, a lawyer,or any other
type of service.

This article is for the people that don't get the kind of help
they feel they should get from their doctor.

Ever go to your doctor because you have pain in your legs,
or maybe you get headaches.

What about that discoloration that you just happen to notice
one day on your foot, that you never saw before.

You just figure that your legs hurt because you must have
moved the wrong way, or that headache is just one of those
things, and maybe you banged your foot and that's why its
all purple.

So, you wait a while. 3 days, then a week and when it gets
to a week and a half, you make an appointment for the

You tell him " I noticed this foot is all purple ", he gives
you a prescription for some pills and ointment.

A month goes by, 2 months go by, the foot is getting
worst, no better.

Back to the doctor. He looks at it , not much I can do, its
weak veins, and here is more pills and ointment.


She was sent to a neurologist, he gave her a shot, she went
paralyzed, and taken by rescue to the emergency room.
Almost died because of a reaction.

At that point and after, get this, 16 doctors, I said no more
doctors. You are going to try Acupuncture.

She hates needles and did not want to go but she had so
many problems I said YOU ARE GOING.

I said go one time, if you don't like it or it hurts then don't
go back.

I cannot say enough about it. Today my wife is so much
better, its hard to believe

She has been going for 8 months now, once a month and
has never given me trouble again, since the first time.

It is remarkable. Most insurance don't pay but it is well
worth the money.

Today she doesn't get migraine headaches anymore, before
3-4 times a week.

,Not 1 in 8 months.

She had so many issues that the doctors said, just don't
know whats wrong. So many doctors, over 6 years with
little to no results and getting worst with time.

So much money was spent. Thousands with the
insurance co.


I thank god for, A Therapy Above, and Dr. Dory and a
very special thank you to Leeanne.

I believe in Acupuncture.

So, to answer my question, Is Acupuncture A Scam ?


So, if your not getting the results you think you should be
from your doctor, don't be afraid to try Acupuncture.

You will see a difference the first time you go.

And for the ladies that need a Mammogram. They have
a different type of screening, no pain, my wife did it.

Gives better results than the typical way too.

Now I know why Acupuncture has been used for
thousands of years.

Because it works!

Monday, March 9, 2009

My Cat

I dont want anyone to think that I have a couple of screws
missing,though maybe I do, I have to write this article about
my cat.

I love animals, but I am not the type to walk a dog, so after
years of my wife wanting a cat, I gave in and we adopted one
from animal rescue.

Well I will try to make this story short, but this cat dont
belong to my wife, or me.

We belong to her.

Her name is Phoebe. And I tell you this, she is the smartest
cat I ever have seen. She thinks everything I have is hers.

She is my shadow. She washes up in the morning with me,
she will only eat if I stand near her food with her. As she
gets ready to eat, she sits in front of her food, like shes
saying grace, then she will eat.

She always puts her paws in my shoes, Im glad she hasnt learned
to tie them, she tries to put my shirt on, it is so funny.

She reaches for the light switch, trying to put the light on.

Maybe she isnt the only cat that does things like this, but
I never had an animal do this stuff. When I come home from work
she is sitting at the door waiting for me. I can always tell if
something went on while I was at work because she will try to
talk to me.

Its really so funny because when she does that I start to look
around and every time I will find something. Sometimes her
LitterMaid may be stuck. { she only does her duty if its clean }

She copies or least tries to copy everything I do. I sit at the
kitchen table with the chair at an angle from the table and she
will copy the exact way I sit. Not sitting looking at me but the
same way I sit. I can change the angle, and so does she. I will
look at her and ask her something, just fooling with her, and
she will move her mouth like she is talking. We laugh at her all
the time.

After having her for almost 9 years, she never stops making us
laugh. I never yell or even have to talk loud to her. I know
she doesnt understand everything I say, but she always does
what I say. When someone comes to visit, they are amazed at
how she is.

Now on the other hand, remember I said that my wife wanted her.
Well, she never, ever listens to my wife. She only goes to my
wife if she wants food. Always to my wife. And if she doesnt
get her food fast enough, she will hit my wife, or even put her
teeth on her foot or leg.

Other than food, she cant be bothered with my wife, go figure.

I was in the hospital for some time with surgery, and Phoebe
cried at the door, day and night, for the first few days. She
wouldnt eat and just layed around. So sad, my wife said.

I dont know why I wrote this other than to perk myself up a bit.

And maybe I could give someone a laugh or a smile.

It is so true that if you have an animal and your not having
such a good day, they really can help to cheer you up.

I know Phoebe does that for me.

The Meaning Of Life { To Me }

The Meaning Of Life { To Me }

We all have our own meaning of life, and our own
way to live it. There, to me, is no right or wrong way.

We feel what we feel no matter what anyone tells us.

I am not the smartest person I know, and never have
claimed to be. My life has given me some very
rewarding thing's.

My wife of 41 year's, and four of the most amazing
kid's you could ever have the pleasure to know.

As the year's have gone by, and the future has become
so uncertain, we all have to come to think of the life
we have and what it mean's to us.

There is no material thing on this earth that I feel
could mean more to me than my family.

I look back and see all the mistake's I made, and
it sure doesn't make me feel very good.

I've had many opportunities to earn a great deal of
money that I turned down. At the time I just felt that
it didn't feel RIGHT, maybe someone would have to
lose something for me to gain. I don't know.

What I do know is that there is one of the oldest
saying's I have ever heard, and it would make me
laugh. But as I have become older and wiser, I have
come to realize that it really is true.

The root of ALL EVIL IS MONEY.

And if you take the time to think about it you
might think that it is true also.

Think about it.

I have never once in my life ever willingly or knowing
cheated anyone. I have always been as honest as
I could be and always worked as hard as I could to
earn everything I have ever gotten.

And that make's me very proud.

I have always instilled in my children to be honest
and live up to their mistake's. If you do something
wrong, admit it.

I'm proud to say that my children have always, as
far as I know, have not only lived up to that but I
know of many cases that they have helped people
that needed help.

My wife is the kindest person anyone could know
and is loved by all she meet's.

A truly remarkable lady.

I could go on and on but no need.

So, the meaning of life to me is as simple as it could

FAMILY ,to me, is the meaning life and I'm very
proud to have mine in my life.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Thrive Learning Institute

The most dangerous scam on the Internet.

Thrive Learning Institute.

What I will tell you is that they can REALLY sell snow to the Eskimo's.

I unfortunately got involved with them in October, 2008, when my wife

received a phone call about 8:00 pm, by someone named J.P.

That is short for his name, J----n P---i, you have to fill in the blanks.

What his pitch was that they have 100% satisfied client's, and are

looking for testimonial's.


They offer you one on one training, personal coaches and you


It sure sounded like the kind of deal I couldn't turn down.

Then came the price, $ 6,250.00, the total cost of this amazing money

making opportunity, being put on my credit card.

After I told him that there was NO WAY I COULD AFFORD TO PAY



My wife knowing that I was in such a deep depression thought this

was the LIGHT AT THE END OF THE TUNNEL, convinced me to

go ahead and do it.



Set up a Ebay selling account , but product's from a dropshipper to

sell, and within a short time, maybe even DAY'S you will have most

if not all your money back.

I asked JP if I had to spend more money after I paid the $ 6,250,

and he said the only money I had to pay was a hosting fee,of $ 39.95
per month, for a website they wanted me to setup to sell dropship product's.

I told him that was a lot of money for a hosting fee, and that I already deal

with a hosting company that was less expensive, can't I just use the

one I have.

He said we need you to use our host because it is easier for us to help

you setup your website, we do most of the work REMOTELY from

our office.

The help that I received and the tool's they supplied me with were no

better than what you can get online for free, and on Ebay.

The so called HELP was no help at all.

I would call and ask a question, and they would answer something that

made no sense. It was like they were answering someone else.

After a few time's that turned into them saying you need to keep at it,

you need to list item's over and over untill they sell.



Well the dropshipper's prices were HIGHER than what I could get them for

on Ebay, the place they insist I sell.

How can I sell something for LESS THEN I PAY ?

After week after week, hour after hour, and email after email, and phone

call after phone call, getting RIDICULOUS ANSWER'S, I couldn't handle

it anymore.

I emailed them and said I wanted my money back.

They refused. I was sent an email from S--N, a so called manager.

His email also made NO SENSE.

Contact me by phone so we can help you.

Call so he could talk me into spending more money I dont have.

I had my wife contact them, and they said if I wouldnt LET THEM


She asked what she could do, and AGAIN THE DOUBLE TALK WENT


Again telling her that it takes time to make money, just keep listing

item's over and over, and get your website built.

If I cant make a sale with instant customers, now, how long do you think

it would take to sell products from a website.

They wanted their hosting fee every month, and who knows what else they

would get out of me before I had another heart attack.



My Ebay listing fee's were over $ 150.00, and going up with no sales

and all they keep saying is keep at it, and you need to get your website

setup so you can sell from it.

I started to setup the website, they had a MERCHANT CREDIT CARD

You need to do this so you can accept credit cards on your website.

I gave the info the girl wanted, and said what if I didn't go through with

this, can I cancel?

She said yes, just DON'T ACTIVATE the account and cancel it, you have

45 days before you get billed.

I said get billed for what?

She said there is a minimum charge of $ 25.00 a month if you have

no sales from your website.

Well, I canceled within 3 weeks, and what a surprise I got.

I sent 3 email's telling them to cancel my account. And when I

spoke to her on the phone I said that I would not be setting up

the website because of a DISPUTE with Thrive.

She said she NEVER HEARD OF THRIVE but agreed to cancel.

Come to find out they involved 2 other companies, and I dont know

why. One was American Express.

When I received a welcome package from American Express, I didnt know what it

was for, so I called.

The guy I talked to said this was for my MERCHANT ACCOUNT.

I told him I did not have a merchant account or a business, that I did

start to setup an online business but didnt continue because of a

disput with THRIVE.

Again, this guy from American Express said he didnt know who that was.

He canceled the account on the spot.

The other is Imax. Which I have no idea who they are or what they

do except charge money.

I really dont know which of these two charged me, it wasnt American Express.

I was getting $ 45.00 taken RIGHT OUT OF MY BANK, without ever


This whole deal with Thrive has been a nightmare.

My feeling for them cannot being told here.






They are the worst people that live. their purpose is NEVER to help

anyone make money but THEM.

They don't know how to make HONEST MONEY.

The biggest SCAM is to tell you what you want to hear UNTIL


Then they never refuse to help you and will talk to you all day long,


And thats their SCAM.


The more they HELP you, the more frustrated you become until

you cant take it anymore.

You wind up not dealing with them anymore, your choice, and







What can I do to help myself?
Will I live long enough to see
the economy get better and
be able to retire?

These are just a couple of
the worries that face millians
of people around the world.

And it certainly worries me.

I know what I can do.
Not give up !
I am not any different than you.
I work hard every day at a full
time job and work online for
5-6 hours a day 7 days a week.

Im 59 years old and have never
been as worried as I am now.

With failing health and about to
lose my full time job,indeed I
should be worried.

But as I always have, I take
one day at a time and hope
that times get better.

Its been 10 years now since I
began my quest to earn enough
money online to live on.
The income has increased almost
to where I need it to be, but its not
there yet.

The internet is a great place to
get the chance to create income.
Did you notice that I said "CHANCE"

The only way you can succeed
is not give up.You have to
keep going. You have to take
a chance.

That certaintly does not mean
spend every last dime you have.
There are FREE programs,affiliate
programs that you can join and
you can do very well with some.

Will you make THOUSANDS in
in a few hours or days? NO.
But you can earn income.
Can be 5 bucks,or 500 bucks.
The point is, you can earn money.

And you dont have to put out
a ton of money.
As I have always said, RESEARCH.

So, to answer my question

DONT GIVE UP !!!!!!!

If you dont give up you give yourself
a chance to begin to earn money online.
How do you think you would feel?

I have to tell you, it feels

As always, RESEARCH,and never
let anyone tell you what to do.




The Key To Making Money Online Is Knowledge

The one thing that nobody can ever have taken
away from them is KNOWLEDGE. And knowledge is
very powerful.

So this article is about gaining the information
you will need to make your dreams come true
and have your own home business.
Once you take the time to get that information,
and know it well, you will be on your way.

Think about what it is that you are interested
in, and that will keep you interested. The
worst thing you can do is try to make money
with something that your REALLY not interested in.

If your not excited about what you choose,
you just get bored and will not give it your
best effort.


Dont rush into anything. Do a lot of research.
Find out what other people think. Do your
homework. It will be worth it in the end.

One way, and the most effective way, is to
join a free forum. One of the best is
www.warriorforum.com. Dont be afraid to
ask questions. Remember, knowledge is the KEY.

Learn from other people's mistakes because
you can't live long enough to make them
all yourself.

If you need a website to put your product
or service on, just go to your browser
and type in "free website setup", and
you will find what you need, but be careful!

Hosting fee's may be extra. What I would
suggest is to check out a website that
already has a product, or service your
interested in, and some may enable you
to add your own content.

Some affiliate sites are good, but check
them out first.

This would save you a lot of time and you
would be able to make money from what the
website you join has to offer. You get more
for your time and effort.

To have success, you have to have KNOWLEDGE.
Real Success doesn't come overnight. You
have to look at the long term.

What if you had $50,000 that you could spend
on an online business venture, and you spent
every last dime, in lets say, 1 year. And
that is very easy to do.

And lets also say that all you wanted to do
was to make BIG money, RIGHT NOW.

But, you dont have the information or KNOWLEDGE
to promote your new business to the right
places to get the sales you need to make
a reasonable profit.

At the end of the year you might have some
money coming in from your efforts, but
because you dont have the KNOWLEDGE to continue
to bring in new customers, what do you think
will happen?

Yup, that business goes dont the drain!

No money to promote, no money to pay hosting
fees, and then no business.

So now your out not only the 50 grand you
started with, but also any money that you
may have put into the business from what
little profit you made.

The point is that money can be taken away.
And in my experience Scams, (which fill the
Internet), is the # 2 way to loose everything
you have.

And, I feel the # 1 way to loose all you
have is the lack of KNOWLEDGE.

You can loose all your money TODAY, and
begin to get it back TODAY, with KNOWLEDGE.

The difference is that once you have the
KNOWLEDGE, it CANT be taken away! It is,
in my opinion, the most powerful TOOL
on earth.

The power of KNOWLEDGE!

Remember, if you want your own home business
make it as easy for yourself as you can,
because the REAL work, and fun,
has not started yet.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Survival Of The Fittest

In this wonderful place we call the Internet, it is easy

to fall victim of an elite group of very intelligent, thieves

that will steal all you have and never think twice about it.

The SCAM is the most dangerous entity online. It has

no morals and does not care who you are or where you


It does not care what the color of your skin is or

how much money you make.

The people that run SCAMS only care about one thing.

They want your money. And they will tell you anything

to get it.

There are always little things that tell us that this

"sounds too good to be true."

But for some strange reason, we ignore what we know

is not right and just tell ourselves, "this must be real or

they couldn't tell us that."

So we send our money knowing deep down that "this

isn't going to work." We try to have a positive attitude,

but we just know, its not that easy.

There is no easy way to make money, period. There

are easier ways then others, but in this life, we must

work in one form or another.

If some of the thieves that run SCAMS on honest hard

working people would use their skills to HELP people,

what do you think would happen?

Well, we ALL would work less and it would be easier

for us all. How hard do you think a SCAM artist works?

I bet they work VERY hard. I bet they wonder "will this

be the day I get caught"?

That day will come to all of those thieves.

I, like so many, have lost an enormous amount of money

and time to SCAMS. I know some have been hurt more

than me. And I know I have been hurt more than some.

But you know what? Im still here. I'm still going at it. And

most likely I will keep at it till the day I'm in the ground.

Why, you may ask?

Its simple. Because I, like so many others, including the

SCAMMERS, have dreams. I will not have anyone take

that from me. No matter what.

There is a saying "SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST ." I feel

that I am one of the FITTEST. Not the SCAMMER.

I think there are more HONEST people online than


The average HARD WORKING guy and woman is looking

to make life better for them and their family.

Never give up your dreams. Never let anyone make you

stay where you are. Your life is, your life.