Saturday, March 21, 2009

Job Loss, Can I Survive ?

I, like so many other people, have come to a time that I
didn't think would ever come. After, more than 10 years
at the same company, I've been laid off.

Not a shock, but not expecting it either. The future is so
uncertain, we can only hope the economy turns around
soon. In the meantime we just have to try to make ends
meet, like so many others.

My wife also was laid off 5 months ago, from her job after
more than 13 years with the same company. There has
been no sign of any job offers coming her way, no reply
to resumes, and I see nothing telling me that it will be
any better for me.

Being that we are both part of the Baby Boomer era, too
young to retire, too old to start a new career, we're kind
of caught in the middle. What few job's there are, I don't
see either of us going to the front of the line. There is just
far too much, younger competition. Employer's can now,
more than ever in my life, be as choosy as they want to be.

They now can afford to pick the cream of the crop, and pay
what they want to. Who in their right mind would turn down
a job, for less money then their accustomed to, if they don't
have a job, but have a family to support? That is what I feel
is going to happen.

Like the real estate market, the time to buy property is now,
the same holds true for employer's. If your business has
work, and you need to hire people, it is a good time to get
the best people, at a price that will help your company
continue and possibly grow.

It's not very hard to understand why there are so many
homeless people. If you ever thought of the homeless being
low class people, or lazy people, you really should pray to
god that you never find yourself in an unemployed position,
for a long period of time,with no steady income.

Where do you think many homeless people came from?

Do you think they just popped up one day?

They are people just like us, that for one reason or another,
have lost their income.

Homeless does not only mean people that live on the street.
It also includes people that go from house to house to stay
with a family member or a friend because they have no home
of their own.

So, because I only lost my job this week, I am not too worried
at this time. If the job market starts a comeback soon, I should
be OK. I know many people have not worked for over a year,
and more. But I feel confident that it wont take me long to get
back on track.

I am searching daily for a job and have been sending resumes out
regular, with no replies so far.

I'm in a better position than lot's of people that are out of work,
so I think I will be alright. Its not time to panic yet.

So, will I survive my job loss?

I certainly hope so.

God help us all