Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Acupuncture, A Scam ?

My blog mainly deals with scams. Believe it or not
what I'm going to write about is Acupuncture.

To me a scam is something that offers you something for a
certain amount of money, and you don't get what you pay for.

Not by mistake, but something that was planed all along to
get you to trust that you would get what you paid for with no
intention of ever giving you your money's worth.

It doesn't have to be a product that you can hold in you hand,
or even something you can see.

It can be a service of all sorts. A doctor, a lawyer,or any other
type of service.

This article is for the people that don't get the kind of help
they feel they should get from their doctor.

Ever go to your doctor because you have pain in your legs,
or maybe you get headaches.

What about that discoloration that you just happen to notice
one day on your foot, that you never saw before.

You just figure that your legs hurt because you must have
moved the wrong way, or that headache is just one of those
things, and maybe you banged your foot and that's why its
all purple.

So, you wait a while. 3 days, then a week and when it gets
to a week and a half, you make an appointment for the

You tell him " I noticed this foot is all purple ", he gives
you a prescription for some pills and ointment.

A month goes by, 2 months go by, the foot is getting
worst, no better.

Back to the doctor. He looks at it , not much I can do, its
weak veins, and here is more pills and ointment.


She was sent to a neurologist, he gave her a shot, she went
paralyzed, and taken by rescue to the emergency room.
Almost died because of a reaction.

At that point and after, get this, 16 doctors, I said no more
doctors. You are going to try Acupuncture.

She hates needles and did not want to go but she had so
many problems I said YOU ARE GOING.

I said go one time, if you don't like it or it hurts then don't
go back.

I cannot say enough about it. Today my wife is so much
better, its hard to believe

She has been going for 8 months now, once a month and
has never given me trouble again, since the first time.

It is remarkable. Most insurance don't pay but it is well
worth the money.

Today she doesn't get migraine headaches anymore, before
3-4 times a week.

,Not 1 in 8 months.

She had so many issues that the doctors said, just don't
know whats wrong. So many doctors, over 6 years with
little to no results and getting worst with time.

So much money was spent. Thousands with the
insurance co.


I thank god for, A Therapy Above, and Dr. Dory and a
very special thank you to Leeanne.

I believe in Acupuncture.

So, to answer my question, Is Acupuncture A Scam ?


So, if your not getting the results you think you should be
from your doctor, don't be afraid to try Acupuncture.

You will see a difference the first time you go.

And for the ladies that need a Mammogram. They have
a different type of screening, no pain, my wife did it.

Gives better results than the typical way too.

Now I know why Acupuncture has been used for
thousands of years.

Because it works!